Tekmar Group launches its 2021 Health and Wellbeing Events Calendar

At Tekmar Group the health and happiness of our People is our priority, so we are proud to be launching our 2021 Health & Wellbeing Events and Communications Calendar.
Following the results of an internal Wellbeing Survey, we have focused the initiative on educating and equipping our People to better manage their physical and mental health, both at work and at home.
Over the next 10 months we will deliver 7 campaigns on topics which are likely to affect our People directly or indirectly during their lifetime, such as stress, mental health, healthy habits, women’s health & menopause, men’s health, suicide, and cancer. We will be offering live speaker events, workshops, webinars and more.
Following the success of our February 5,000 mile charity challenge, our March Campaign focuses on Health, Hydration and Nutrition. We are proud to have partnered with Quorn Foods who will host 2 live cook-along sessions to inspire the can, can’t and won’t cooks.
Continuing our focus on Health and Wellbeing, by April we will have increased the number of Mental Health First Aiders across Tekmar Group to 1 in 10, so there is a certified point of contact offering Mental Health support for all employees everywhere.
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